Specialists education

At the Faculty of Instrumentation training is provided for specialists in the field of knowledge area 17 “Electronics, Automation, and Electronic Communications,” in full-time, part-time, and accelerated forms of study) and in the following specializations and educational programs:

174 – Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies, and Robotics
175 – Information and Measurement Technologies
Educational program:
Computer-Integrated Systems and Technologies in Instrumentation [full-time, part-time, accelerated]

Educational program:

Information Measurement Technologies [full-time, part-time, accelerated]

The training is carried out at three educational levels and a scientific level:

  • The first (bachelor’s) level of higher education corresponds to the sixth qualification level of the National Qualifications Framework and involves acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient for successful performance of professional duties in the chosen specialization.
  • The second (master’s) level of higher education corresponds to the seventh qualification level of the National Qualifications Framework and involves the acquisition of in-depth theoretical and/or practical knowledge, skills, and competencies in the chosen specialization (or specialization), general principles of the methodology of scientific and/or professional activity, and other competencies necessary for effective completion of innovative tasks at the relevant level of professional activity.
  • The third (educational and scientific) level of higher education corresponds to the eighth qualification level of the National Qualifications Framework and involves the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, skills, competencies, and other competencies sufficient for generating new ideas, solving complex problems in the field of professional and/or research and innovation activity, mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, and conducting independent scientific research with results of scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.
  • The scientific level of higher education corresponds to the ninth qualification level of the National Qualifications Framework and involves the acquisition of competencies in the development and implementation of research methodology and methods, the creation of new system-forming knowledge and/or advanced technologies, the solution of important scientific or applied problems of national or international importance.

The duration of full-time and part-time education is as follows: bachelor’s degree – 3 years 10 months, master’s degree – 1 year 4 months or 1 year 9 months.

The duration of accelerated education (admission based on a junior specialist diploma) is as follows: bachelor’s degree – 2 years 10 months.

The Faculty has a Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for all instrumentation disciplines of the curriculum and two specialized doctoral committees of the Higher Attestation Commission (codes of the list of the HAC of Ukraine: D 26.002.18 and D 26.002.07) for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in five specialties in the field of instrumentation.

Significant changes towards increasing the scientific and educational authority of the Faculty of Instrumentation have occurred since the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence. Today, the Faculty of Instrumentation is one of the largest faculties of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI) and a leading educational and scientific center for instrumentation in Ukraine. 96 teachers work at its four departments, including 14 doctors and 72 candidates of sciences. Approximately 1500 full-time and 300 part-time students are studying in all instrumentation specialties.

Over more than 60 years of its existence, the Faculty of Instrumentation of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has trained more than 11,000 specialists for industry, education, and science, including over 200 specialists for Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, China, Germany, Vietnam, Cuba, Algeria, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and other countries. Many of them have become doctors and candidates of sciences, laureates of state awards, government officials, heads of educational and research institutions, joint-stock companies, enterprises, firms, and institutions. Graduates from the Faculty have prepared and defended about 10 candidate and doctoral dissertations in Mongolia, Jordan, Uzbekistan, and Bulgaria. Among the faculty’s graduates are 23 doctors and more than 250 candidates of sciences; some of them have become government officials at the level of department heads in various ministries of Ukraine. Talanchuk P.M. was the Minister of Education and a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, while Pavlovsky M.A. was the Minister of Industry and a people’s deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for three consecutive terms. Graduates of the faculty, Dovgopoly A.S., Kazakov V.P., and Marinin V.I., were elected deputy ministers; Lukomsky V.G. headed one of the State Committees of Ukraine, and former associate professor of one of the faculty’s departments, Samotokin B.B., was elected the rector of the Zhytomyr Institute of Engineering and Technology.