We are pleased to announce that Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information and Measuring Technologies (IMT) at the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering (FIE), Hanna Dorozhynska, has been awarded the Kyiv City Mayor’s Prize for outstanding achievements in the development of the capital of Ukraine.
In June 2021, Hanna successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Metrology and Information-Measuring Technology. Her research, dedicated to enhancing sensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR), has proven highly relevant in the chemical industry, medicine, and other fields.
Hanna Dorozhynska is actively engaged in improving SPR sensors for the analysis of gaseous and liquid environments, refining their metrological characteristics. Her studies aim to expand practical applications in areas such as gas and liquid analysis, demonstrating significant scientific impact. She collaborates with other research institutions, contributing to the development of express methods for detecting viruses and the polymerization characteristics of photopolymer compositions.
Hanna Dorozhynska not only makes a substantial contribution to the advancement of modern technologies but also validates the high scientific standing of Ukrainian research. She serves as an exemplary figure for students and faculty, inspiring them to strive for high achievements and creativity.
We congratulate Ms. Hanna Dorozhynska on receiving the Prize and wish her continued success in her scientific career. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to her for the significant contribution to the development of our faculty and the field of science as a whole.
For more details about our researcher, you can read the article in the “Kyiv Polytechnic” magazine, issue No. 3-4, 2024.